We have had a really great summer and it is sad to see it coming to a close. Before we know it, we will be choosing our next duty location and preparing to move. We have tried to go to as many outdoor festivals as we can and Titus has been a trooper. He loves being outside! It is hard to believe that in another couple of days he will be six months old! He is just such a happy boy and so laid back. The ladies in the church nursery just love him and constantly comment on how sweet he is. That just makes our day! Here are some pictures of our fun so far. We hope your are enjoying your summer as well.
Here is a sleepy Titus and Joel at the Old Lyme Midsummer Festival. We got some great farm fresh cheese, berries, and vegetables.
Titus has two small lower front teeth and is chewing on whatever he can get his hands on! This is his Sofie giraffe and one of his absolute favorites! She will be with us for a long time.
Titus is beginning to sit up by himself, although we need to be close by in case he tumbles!
Here is Titus getting ready for his day in Mystic. Doesn't he look like a New England fisherman?
Joel and Titus at the Mystic Art Show. Titus got his first piece of art from Betsy Fowler.
Titus right before heading off to church!
Joel and Titus. Don't they look just alike?
The Happy Boy, ready for the weekend!