Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Road Tripping!

With all of our trips this summer, we have been on the road...a lot! I would like to say that it was super easy and that I am a super patient mom. Alas, it was not and I am not. We have learned a lot about traveling with a toddler and a lot about our individual thresholds for being confined in a car! Titus was pretty good and really only broke down about 8 hours into the trips. He slept in a travel toddler bed like a champ, which means that the crib will soon be making its exit around here, and really tried to keep his chin up!

Playing some music for everyone just past the Florida state line.
Watching Cars. This blog post would not be complete if I did not mention how many times Cars was watched on this trip. Titus doesn't watch tv at home, so I thought it would be special if we borrowed some dvds from neighbors for the trip. I had a bag FULL, and the only one he wanted to watch was Cars. "Cars, watch?" was immediately asked after finishing the movie. Joel and I can probably quote the entire thing. Now, he crashes all of his cars while playing, calls us mac (like mac truck), and every single car is a "red race car."
Pizza at a hotel. So tired, so late, so done with eating out.
Let's get out of here!

Random summer

A few random shots of summer.

Fourth of July. He sure loves those sparklers!
My Aunt Tracey got Titus this tent/tunnel combo, which he loves! He loved putting Pooh in there and sending his cars down the tunnel.

Climbing trees during a walk.
So, Joel sold his jeep. Our neighbor made us an offer that we couldn't refuse! Joel loved that jeep. Titus loved that jeep. I loved that our neighbor made us a great offer! There was a mourning period and I wanted to make sure that there was a picture of the boys with the jeep so that Joel could tell Titus about coming home from work and driving it into the garage with Titus sitting shotgun for those few minutes. Although there was a transition period, Titus seems to love the motorcycle just as much!

Longboat Key

There is a place that I love above all other places! I have so many wonderful memories there and simply feel at peace when I am there. After a number of years of not having the chance to go, this year we finally got the chance to visit, with my mom and dad, and brother and sister-in-law! I was so excited to introduce Titus to this magical place and he had more fun than I imagined! Hopefully, we can continue to go back and he can build some of the same memories that I cherish. This is Longboat Key, Florida.

Sunsets don't get any better than off of Florida's Gulf of Mexico.
The guys chilling.
I think they were going out to save some guy's tent from blowing away. Joel impaled his hand on said tent, but he is a tough guy, so he weathered that storm.
Mexican fiesta night, care of the Fergusons.
This is the face of pure joy because he can throw sand into the gulf with no restrictions.
His first taste of some of the best ice cream on earth...Kilwins.
Future swimsuit model?
Wow, just wow. I wonder where Titus got his teeth from? My sweet guys!
My idea of paradise.
Watching for dolphins! They came out every day, and sometimes we had very front row seats, especially when Matt and Krista were surf fishing.
Aunt Pam and Uncle Chuck had the chance to come into town for a couple of days, which was wonderful! Here we are at Mar Vista, which is such a great restaurant on the island. I had the Caribbean grouper, which makes my mouth water simply typing those words. I must find a way to recreate the dish!
Aunt Pam and Titus were singing.
The famous Mar Vista peacocks.
We visited Mote Marine Aquarium, which is such a great place.
Titus listens to some Veggie Tales songs, so when we told him that this was a manatee like the Barbara Manatee song, he just had to give a hug! Of course, we also change the lyrics to "Titus manatee....."
Joel had never seen a manatee before. They are huge!
Running out to catch the sunset!
Matt and Krista brought down a ton of fireworks and sparklers.
He looks like a wizard! Or, maybe I have Harry Potter on the brain!
Titus loved, loved, loved his Aunt Krista! He always wanted her to play with him, and she graciously obliged!
We saw a snake on this path one day, and while I freaked out, Titus just pointed, and said, "snake!" No fear. I do not know if that is a good or bad thing.
"Our" sandcastle.
Lunch for a busy boy.
Two of my favorite people.
Beautiful boy.Farewell Longboat!

Summer Fun Part Two

I was talking with a friend of mine this morning and we were discussing all of the things that took us away from activities that we really needed to work on (i.e. Titus's baby pictures are in desperate need of being put in an album), and I realized this blog needed some upkeep! We have been busy and there have been some big stressful events in our lives, but I am constantly reminded to be thankful for the blessings that I do have, rather than concentrating on what is lost or what I never had! I am thankful for a very fun Summer, with many exciting trips. Even though Joel has been gone a lot, we have still had the chance to do a lot with him!

We stayed in Northern New Jersey for a couple of days, where Titus worked on his tooth brushing swagger.
I took him to a kiddie amusement park where he had the chance to drive the boats!
This scared me way more than it did him.
This little calf was just born. So sweet.
Titus's first trip to Chuck E Cheese. Of course, he loved the songs!