Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Road Tripping!

With all of our trips this summer, we have been on the road...a lot! I would like to say that it was super easy and that I am a super patient mom. Alas, it was not and I am not. We have learned a lot about traveling with a toddler and a lot about our individual thresholds for being confined in a car! Titus was pretty good and really only broke down about 8 hours into the trips. He slept in a travel toddler bed like a champ, which means that the crib will soon be making its exit around here, and really tried to keep his chin up!

Playing some music for everyone just past the Florida state line.
Watching Cars. This blog post would not be complete if I did not mention how many times Cars was watched on this trip. Titus doesn't watch tv at home, so I thought it would be special if we borrowed some dvds from neighbors for the trip. I had a bag FULL, and the only one he wanted to watch was Cars. "Cars, watch?" was immediately asked after finishing the movie. Joel and I can probably quote the entire thing. Now, he crashes all of his cars while playing, calls us mac (like mac truck), and every single car is a "red race car."
Pizza at a hotel. So tired, so late, so done with eating out.
Let's get out of here!

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