We have been eagerly anticipating those first few warm days of Spring! Hopefully, they are finally upon us, even though we had snow last week! No matter what the weather, though, we try to do some fun activities with Titus. He, like most toddlers, has a lot of energy! We are thankful that he is a healthy little boy who has legs that run fast and a good countenance so that when he falls, he can get right back on up!

This is one of his favorite activities...playing horsey on Joel!

On one of the park bridges. He has figured out that bouncing and making the bridge sway is so much fun!

Headed down the slide at a friend's birthday party.


Mowing...the flower bed.

A friend of mine snagged this little trike at the thrift store and this was the first chance that we have had to use it. Titus loved, loved, loved it. I can see many cycling adventures in our future.

The next Lance Armstrong?

Grandpa Ferguson got Titus this bike for his Birthday. He cannot quite touch the ground on it yet, but Joel was there to help out!