Titus turned TWO! It is so hard to believe, and this past year definitely went by faster than the first one, so I can only imagine how fast the future days will pass! He is really coming into his own, personality wise, and is a pretty darn social little boy. He always wants to engage other kids, hug, and play. Sometimes they appreciate this and sometimes not. He really know how to get what he wants now, especially
attaching 'please' to his sentences. It is hard to refuse a kid who says, "more please," "cookie please mama," and "kiss please." He is a joy and it is so fun to see God developing his personality!

I wish for more cars!

Joy of joys! Titus loves to 'read!'

Since Joel was not here for his birthday, Titus and I spent the day with his friends and then had a little date at Chick-Fil-A!

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