Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Five Months!

Well, Mr. Titus is now five months and is looking (and acting) more and more like a little boy, rather than a little baby, everyday. He is drooling everywhere and everything goes right to his mouth. No little teeth yet, but the teething has definitely begun. He is scooting around pretty well and is desperately trying to sit up on his own. Titus loves to stand up on our laps, on the counter, on the bed, just any old place will do. As Joel always says to Titus, "I'm a big boy, I stand up!!" He is babbling a lot, squealing in delight, and just making the cutest expressions. In another month or so, we will try some solid foods, so that should be an interesting experience. Titus has had a lot of fun this summer and it has been great having him outside (which he LOVES). We continue to just love our little boy and are enjoying our family.

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