Monday, November 1, 2010


We had a great Halloween and so many kids stopped by! It was so nice to visit with neighbors and discuss the various costumes we saw ;) It was chilly too, which made it really feel like a nice, fall Halloween. Titus also had a great time as a little cowboy! He even wore real cowboy boots with heels! I wish we had documented his walk! All that was missing was a little cap gun, but maybe when he is older! We hope you all had a wonderful evening too!

Carving pumpkins.

Stepping out for an evening of fun.
Our sweet, happy cowboy!
A man on a mission.

Titus waving to our neighbors across the street! He had his sweetness factor up high so he could get some choice candy!

Our pumpkins!

Titus and Joel after Trick or Treating.

In lieu of any other weapon, Titus used a stick to ward off any unwanted visitors to his property.

Enjoying Halloween spoils, a.k.a. a Hershey bar!

1 comment:

Waugh Family said...

ahhh he was too stinkin' adorable!!! i'm sad i couldn't come to the door to see him (Parker was chowing down...)