Titus and Joel right before heading down to surgery. I gave Titus my sunglasses in the ER and he never took them off. It was as though he felt he was in disguise with them on. With so many people prodding him, I am sure he needed some security.

This is the first cast, which went down his one leg and partially down the other, with a bar across it. The orthopedic surgeon told us that broken femurs are a frequent occurrence for the 2-3 year old set!

When we got back home for Titus's follow-up at CHOP, our new surgeon told us the bone had shifted and he needed a new surgery and new cast. I was devastated. Luckily, Joel's mom was there and we soldiered through it. This is Titus's second cast, which just goes down one leg, which was much easier!

Playing the blues on his harmonica.

Still a happy boy!
Despite how rotten all of this was, I am extremely happy and blessed that so many people took care of us. We had people bring us dinners, toys and gifts for Titus, cards, and both Joel's mom and my mom came to stay for two weeks each. We had awesome doctors and nurses, and great insurance to cover every single penny. Most of all, though, we had God, who honestly provided the fortitude to get us through this. Titus is now walking and climbing, and hopefully, soon, he will be running.